Damien Nazabal, is 26 years old and he´s from France.
Since his very young age he has always been dancing .
At the age of 10, he left his little village in the South of France and started his study at the ‚École nationale de danse de Marseille‘ . After 8 years he succeed to get his Diplom.
Right after he was accepted at the ‚Palucca Hochschule für Tanz‘ taking part on the Eleven Programm at the Semper Oper Dresden where he got his very first experiences on stage as professional dancer. Afterwards he moved for 2 years to the Thüringer Staatsballett. Then finally in 2009 he have found his place in Ballett Theater Ulm. Since 6 years he is enjoying very much the beautiful City of Ulm.
He is part of Crossing Paths as a dancer and choreographing collaboratively with the other dancers.